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High capacity instruments, combining allergy and autoimmunity testing based on proven Phadia technology for reliability.

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®. 9 Utförande - Immulite® 2500. Phadia® 250, tidigare ImmunoCap 250, (Phadia AB, Uppsala, Sweden) Operator's manual - Immulite® 2500. all other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. De laborativa analyserna genomförs främst med företagets egen utrustning Phadia Laboratory System, Phadia 100 och Phadia 250, och resultatbearbetning​  3 AVSEDD ANVÄNDNING ImmunoCAP ISAC IgE är ett in vitro test för semi-​kvantitativ bestämning av specifika en fr it nl es Bedienungsanleitung Instructions for Use Mode d emploi Istruzioni per l uso MHS 2500 MANUAL - SVENSKA. Gigg från: Phadia AB Då tjänsten innefattar läsande av manualer och instruktioner krävs det att du har goda kunskaper i svenska och you would work with Phadia 250, Phadia 1000 and Phadia 2500 instruments. Reference: 140815 BR. ADVIA Centaur Assay Manual BNP - part # 06300497 Rev C June 2003, Bayer HealthCare the data presented for the reference populations, as stated in the manufacturers' instructions for use.

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Phadia 250 User Manual Version information Phadia 250 User Manual, version 1.4 This version is valid for: Phadia 250 Instrument Software v 2.3 Issued April 2010 Revised November 2012 Information in this document is subject to changes without notice. All pictures displayed in this manual should be regarded as examples only. Phadia 250 User Manual. Version information Phadia 250 User Manual, version 1.4.

based on equipment manuals and standard methods as specified below: Allergy Testing (cont’) Specific IgE: ImmunoCAP(fluorescent enzyme immunoassay) using Phadia 2500 SOPs SIM-156 and SIM-157 Epidermals and animal proteins nBos d 6 BSA, Cow rCan f 1 Dog rCan f 2 Dog nCan f 3 Dog serum albumin r Can f 4 Dog rCan f 5 Dog r Can f 6 Dog Phadia SOP AL26 Phadia SOP AL29 Phadia SOP AL29 Phadia SOP AL29 Phadia SOP AL29 Phadia SOP AL29 Phadia SOP AL29 Phadia SOP AL29 Detection of the following: ELIA using Immunocap 2500 automated analyser and SOPs AL32A and AL32B Serum, plasma Glomerular basement membrane antibodies (GBM) Myeloperoxidase antibodies (MPO) Proteinase 3 antibodies (PR3) equipment manuals and standard methods as specified: Faeces Calprotectin Immunoassay using Thermo Phadia 2500 and Calpro2 ELIA assay SOP-BIO-028 Plasma Chromogranin A ELISA using Dynex DS2 and Euro Diagnostica kit SOP MCH-055 EDTA Blood Ciclosporin Tacrolimus Sirolimus LCMSMS using Shimadzu 8050 SOP MCH-013 Entre ensaios 0,35 – 1,5 4 4 1,5 – 50 5 5 Notas (a) Para mais informações, consulte o Manual do Utilizador do Phadia 100, Phadia 250, Phadia 1000 e/ou Phadia 2500/Phadia 5000. 50 – 100 5 9 (b) The Phadia brand name is applied to instrument platforms and related system items. (which they receive as part of routine clinical care; ELISA assay, Phadia 2500) in combination with the local clinical cut-o ff s.
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