Lund University, Department of Physics, Division of Combustion Physics, Box running at six different operating conditions in an atmospheric combustion rig.
Lund University Lund University is the largest university in Sweden with more than 40, 000 students, and the engineering faculty with 18 departments is the largest faculty of the University. The Division of Combustion Physics is a separate division within the Department of Physics.
Introduction Temperature measurements are very important in combustion environment. Some combustion reactions are temperature-dependent, combustion processes release heat, and temperature affects radiation such as chemiluminiscence, Planck radiation. Laser Associate Professor (2017) Combustion Physics, Lund University Dr. Andreas Ehn Andreas has a Master in Engineering Physics from Lund University (graduated 2003). I hold a Master's Degree in Engineering Physics and Ph.D in Combustion Physics from Lund University, Sweden. I have work experience in civil engineering field, performing advanced CFD analysis using mostly Ansys Fluent, Star CCM , FDS and other codes.
Department of Physics Division of Atomic Physics Box 118, SE-221 00 Lund, Sweden Phone: +46 46 222 7660 Accessibility Statement I have just started my Ph.D. at Lund University, Physics department, Combustion Physics division, and my research will be mainly about combustion laser diagnostics in engines and gas turbines. Lund University is the largest university in Sweden with more than 40, 000 students, and the engineering faculty with 18 departments is the largest faculty of the University. The Division of Combustion Physics is a separate division within the Department of Physics. Telephone: +46 46 222 92 80 Fax: +46 46 222 47 17 Postal address: Department of Energy Sciences Faculty of Engineering Lund University The website of Lund University Photoacoustic Center. Monte Carlo simulation laboratory.